Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 2008 Update

Happy New Year! This is "The Year of 20" for me!
  • I want to look 20 years younger. (OK, maybe that ship has sailed!!!)

  • I want to lose 20 pounds. (A little more attainable with a lot of hard work!!)

  • I want to send out 20 queries to publications each month. (Pretty ambitious!)

  • I want to become published in 20 additional publications this year. (Probably more attainable than losing 20 pounds!)

  • And I'm hoping to have book contracts for two long-awaited manuscripts. (20 is divisible by two, so this counts!!!!!)
I'm looking forward to what this year will bring. If it's anything like 2007, it should be another whirlwind of writing activity. So what am I up to now? Well, here it goes...

I started the year by finishing off my two biography books about two of today's hottest R&B stars. Doing two books at once and getting a feel for the publisher's expections was difficult at times, but I made it through, and I'm thrilled to have turned in both manuscripts a few weeks before my deadline. That must have impressed the publisher because she asked me to write the next book (before the end of January) about a VERY legendary quarterback. My contract prevents me from releasing all the details, so check again to find out who it is -- when I can let the cat out of the bag! Let's just say I'm having a great time and can't wait to complete this manuscript. All three books will be out sometime around May or June.

On the interviewing side, my Kutless article was posted on on Jan. 4. I just LOVED spending time with them when they were in town for a concert in Madison on November 8. This month, I will be interviewing members of the very popular group Christian groups Avalon and Sanctus Real. Those articles will be posted in February.

Very exciting as well...I have an assignment to interview NFL Indianapolis Colts Head Coach Tony Dungy. An interview time is being established, so stop back next month to see how it went!

As usual, there are lots of other things in the hopper...more on that in February!

Stay warm!

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